>5) I reconnect the drive to the computer and activate "Refresh Removable
>Media". I look at the device using FM/2 which now shows the presence of
>EA DATA. SF in addition to the MP3 file. It seems like it shouldn't be
>present but no matter, the real desire is to remove it once it is present
>to handle when this happens inadvertantly.
Correct. We already know it is difficult to prevent EA DATA. SF from
being created. This means the obvious solution is to find the easiest way
to delete it.
>TEST.TXT is not shown. I right click and click Rescan on the menu but it
>still doesn't show. I double click on another drive and re-double click
>F: and TEST.TXT appears in addition to the MP3 and the EA DATA. SF file.
>This is not the behavior I expect from FM/2 but it being a new install
>and I a new user, I chalk it up to my lack of familiarity with it.
If the file exists on the drive, fm/2 should show it, unless you have
configured the filters to not show it. We can review this a Saturday's
meeting just to be sure it is not an fm/2 defect. You might want to try
the v3.04 pre-release at
>9) At this point, I pretty much recognize that I'm stuck. At best, I
>need to rename the EA DATA. SF so that it has no non-standard characters
>in its filename and then delete it to allow the MP3 player to work again.
Correct. This is what I said you needed to do in my last reply.
>Every attempt to address the EA DATA. SF file is met with an error
>similar to the one that is shown when "RENAME" in FM/2 is tried: "Rename
>failed. Module: worker.c, Line number: 946, OS/2 error 32, Class:
>Resource or data locked, action: Delay and retry. Device locked by
>another process." All command-line attempts to delete the file also fail
>(even after properly executing an "attrib -r -s -h *.*" command).
Correct. This all entirely expected. Anyone who has used OS/2 for more
than a little while should be entirely familiar with behavior and
understand why it occurs. If they have forgotten, it's probably time for
a bit of remedial work with Google.
>10) Trying to format the drive (right click the drive object and
>clicking :"Format") causes the entire computer to lock up.
From where? Fm/2 or the Desktop?
>Sorry for the long email but I get the impression that folks don't
>believe me when they say the EA DATA. SF shouldn't be there or appear.
Recall that I never said that. :-) I outlined a procedure that would
allow you to safely get rid of it.
The utility Tom found was written by Veit, so I would be somewhat
surprised if it did not work.
The procedure you need to use to maintain the drive so that it does not
lock up the player is
- use whatever you want to drag and drop files
There's no need to worry about EAs at this time becuase you are smart
enough to delete them and EA DATA. SF before putting the drive in the mp3
When you want to put the drive in the mp3 player
- click on the Desktop object labeled
"Prepare drive for mp3 player"
This object will runs a simple 4os2 script that does
for /r %X (x:\*) eautil %x nul /s
r_eadata x:
This assumes your flash drive is mounted as x:
You can ignore the comment in the r_eadata docs regarding chkdsk. Since
the EAs have already been deleted, the drive should be clean after
r_eadata deletes EA DATA. SF.
If for some reason r_eadata does not do the job, dfsee can be programming
to do the job.
"Steven Levine" MR2/ICE 2.67 #10183 Warp/eCS/DIY/14.103a_W4 #scoug (Wed 7pm PST)
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