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Hello Everyone,
I need some information on purchasing and installing ECS 1.2. I am now using version
1.14 and I have been living with traps for a couple years now (I believe it's faulty
hardware, somewhere; I've been unable to locate the exact source of the problem).
Now a new (or extended) problem has popped up, where I lose file integrity, when
writing to the hard drive (ASCII files sometimes read differently after a write).
It's time to get a new system. My plan is to construct a new from scratch, except for my
existing hard drives. Then, I'll install ECS 1.2.
My question is: Has anyone tried an upgrade install of 1.2? That is, has anyone
installed it over an existing 1.1 version and not to a clean hard drive? If so, are there any
problems with this? In installing over, does the installation save your existing desktop
setup somewhere (like "Previous Desktop")? I'm looking for something that will install
over and which will save all my previous stuff?
Any help on this is muchly appreciated. Thanks alot.
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