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In San Diego, you have to PAY to dispose of this stuff *IF* you play by
the rules. You also have to make an APPOINTMENT on Saturday, 9-1, to
legally dispose of *ANY* hazardous waste, and take it to the dump
yourself! I think they may have temporary remote sites every 6 months or
so at other sites. Guess where most of it goes????? They have some of
the largest sets of blinders in California for the environmental waste
folks here! OC was great in that respect.
Steven Levine wrote:
> In <200609281743171.SM01940@MAIN>, on 09/28/06
> at 05:44 PM, "Mark Abramowitz" said:
>> Hey, what's wrong with old SCSI drives?!!
> There's nothing wrong with these beyond the fact that are somewhat larger
> than flash drives of similar capacity and they take more power to run.
>> BTW, you can't just put these things in the trash any more. Someone
>> finally got around to recognizing all the nasties in old electronics, and
>> now they need to go to special collection centers.
> I'll check again, but last time I asked these were OK for landfill.
> Things like monitors and such need to go to the hazardous waste center on
> Nichols.
> Steven
Tom Brown, Catherder
thombrown at san dot rr dot com
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