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In <451C972E.9050001@san.rr.com>, on 09/28/06
at 08:46 PM, Tom Brown said:
>In San Diego, you have to PAY to dispose of this stuff *IF* you play by
>the rules.
That's the case for businesses, but non-business disposal is no charge,
although you do have to drop it off. This is a bit of an oxymoron because
most folks don't have vehicles suitable for safely carrying hazardous
waste in breakable containers.
>Guess where most of it goes?????
Well, sure. My dad is always saying we need a law for this or that. My
standard response is we have plenty of laws, most of which are enforced
only when convenient. Then there's the other batch of laws which are
passed because it is poltically expedient, but never funded so they will
never be enforced.
"Steven Levine" MR2/ICE 2.67 #10183 Warp/eCS/DIY/14.103a_W4
www.scoug.com irc.fyrelizard.com #scoug (Wed 7pm PST)
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