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I wish to invite speculation as to what might be causing my most recent
I have retrieved a retired computer from the garage. It has a K7 Triton
400 motherboard with an AMD Athalon XP 1500+ and 0.5 GB main memory. It
now has two IDE drives on channel 2 and a sole IDE CD reader on channel
1 (I cannot boot from the CD unless it is on the first channel.) Twice I
was able to install eCS 2.0 rc1, but now when I try to run eCS, just
before the Snap driver logo shows on the screen, the screen goes blank
and the computer turns itself off. Now, also, when I try to reinstall
eCs or Win98 (for nostalgic reasons), when the early installation has
finished and the screen says we are about to copy a lot of files, the
screen goes blank and the computer turns itself off.
My first instinct was to suspect the power supply, especially in this
heat and no air conditioning (Costa Mesa, usually have sea breeze). I
swapped in a power supply from another retired computer. Same problem. I
do have a new power supply on order, but I no longer suspect that as the
There is a reputed Indian saying that you should not judge another until
you have walked a mile in his moccasins. In like vein, I believe you
should not try to fix another's computer until you have sat at his
keyboard. However, I still am asking for anyone's speculation as to what
may be causing this problem.
Martin Rosenfeld
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