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Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2007 22:35:33 -0700
From: J R FOX < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: You say PHY, I Say 'Phooey.'

Content Type: text/plain

Martin's recent post was the first I had heard about
this, but now I see that nearly all the recent MBs
seem to include it, if I can judge from the specs for
Asus and Gigabyte MBs. Yeah, I looked up the
definition online, but I remain unenlightened. Just
*what* extra functionality is this supposed to offer
users -- in simple terms, please -- that they really
need or can use ? =20

Most likely, it won't pose much of a problem for
anyone running XP SP-2 or later from Redmond. They
won't even notice it as something needing enabling or
driver support. But everyone else may be hosed --
particularly us. It will be another stumbling block
for the eCS installer, another in the parade of new
stuff you can't avoid that is unsupported and a source
of problems for our platform. (The lack of things
like Firewire support I can easily live with, because
the presence of the hardware is unobtrusive, and the
app.s for them aren't there anyway.)=20

This is another reason why I expect to be reaching
into the past for the next MB to go into my tower. As
long as it's pretty good, capable of supporting a
reasonably fast dual-core AMD, and has the lineup of
slots and ports that I'm looking for, that will be
just fine. The last complete tower rebuild was close
to 5 years ago. If I can get 5 more years this time
out, and not have to constantly arm-wrestle with the
hardware for eCS, I'll be pleased.

Query: If the specs say 2 PATA / IDE connectors, does
that strongly imply two controllers ? (I've gotten
used to having the two separate control channels in
the Shuttle box, and it's very good to have --
regardless of what additional controllers may be in
the next MB, for SATA or whatever.) =20



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