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Date: Fri, 24 Oct 2008 16:14:30 -0700
From: "Virginia R. Hetrick, Ph.D." < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: YMMV {was: Some eBay listings don't scroll properly}

Content Type: text/plain

NTFS also worked up until Win95 and its brothers. AND, if you look at
the code for Win2KPro and XPPro, you will find a ton of things such as
ntfs.sys and it's brothers. In a windows system, set yourself into
either the WINNT or the WINDOWS directory in a command prompt (CMD.EXE)
window (commonly called the DOS window). Then, enter:

dir *ntfs* /s > allntsffiles

Then examine the allntsffiles file which will be in the current
directory when it finishes.


\ / Virginia R. Hetrick, here in sunny California
0 Email:
Oo "There is always hope."
My fave:
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!N !o !K w+ O+ !M V PS+ PE- T++ PGPP t- 5 X R+++
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------END GEEK CODE BLOCK-------

Ray Davison wrote:

> J R FOX wrote:
>> I would never trust Pinball.Sys to make this two-way. Win can't and
>> won't see or write to a partition that belongs to eCS on one of my
>> systems.
> Remember who created HPFS. It was included in early NT. Pinball does
> work. But it takes a couple steps to get it to do so.
>>> Define "for all practical purposes". I have to believe that
>>> something is either required or not. And if it is, why?
>> They suggest OO 2.x would be dog slow (if your dog happens to be a
>> bulldog or a dachshunt) if you put the data on something other than
>> JFS.
> That does not sound encouraging for the program.
>>> So, you do a power-down and every partition comes backs clean,
>>> right?
>> When you say "power-down", I take it you don't mean just pulling the
>> plug, but an orderly shut-down ? In that case, 'Yes.'
> Power-down means exactly that; pull the plug. I am not sure if reset
> is the same thing but it seams to be.
>> Do you know about / have / ever use that JRESCUE (or whatever it's
>> called) utility ? It would bother me if that is needed a lot, in
>> running JFS, but at the very least I'd like to know that it works and
>> works well.
> So far chkdsk /f has recovered all JFS and HPFS partitions lost due to
> hard shut down, but not FAT32.
>> So, I guess we do have some major YMMV going on here.
> And that is what bothers me about this business. The experience of
> different machines and users seems to be less consistent.
> Ray
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