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Date: Wed, 3 Jun 1998 07:46:14 PST8PDT
From: "Rollin White" < >
To: < "" > >
Subject: SCOUG-Programming: Summarizing

Content Type: text/plain

You guys were busy yesterday.

The discussion evolved in the right direction. recv() is not guaranteed to receive all of the data from
a send() call. Also, what happens if the client decides to make one send() call for each character
(pefectly legal!).

Let's take a step back and come up with a slightly formal definition of GetLine(). We can either
define it, similar to how I have previously defined it. Or, a strategy I sort of like in other APIs, is the
name it and have it follow rules similar to fgets().

Let's proceed with with our definition of GetLine(). It must:

1. Read and return a pointer to a line of data received on the specified socket.
2. Remove any line delimiters (CR, LF, or both)
3. Must not modify the line data in any other way
4. Be able to indicate a timeout or disconnet condition

What else?


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