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Date: Wed, 3 Jun 1998 08:05:54 PST8PDT
From: Peter Skye < >
Subject: SCOUG-Programming: Summarizing

Content Type: text/plain

Rollin White wrote:
> Let's proceed with with our definition of GetLine(). It must:
> 1. Read and return a pointer to a line of data received on the specified socket.
> 2. Remove any line delimiters (CR, LF, or both)
> 3. Must not modify the line data in any other way
> 4. Be able to indicate a timeout or disconnect condition
> What else?

For starters, you might get a CR as your last character just before its
trailing LF hits the buffer, so that CR is at the end of your string and
LF is at the front of the next string. So what happens if the first
buffer character is LF?

I've got to review RFC 959 which Greg mentioned ... I'm still real
nervous about allowing BS, RUBOUT and whatever else through. If the
protocol is relying on "the other guy" to not send us these characters,
remember that "the other guy" isn't just the person/program at the other
end of the wire; it's also everything in our local machine that does or
doesn't do something with the data before we get it.

The actual "bad things" that might happen if these characters get
through are, of course, minimal. The Q&D ("quick and dirty") approach
is just to let them through, and if the string fails syntactically in
the parser throw the whole thing out. The elegant method is to allow
for everything that might happen and write extra to code that is either
never or almost never used, depending on what happens in real world

I'm willing to go Q&D on this project. Buff it out later.

- Peter Skye


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