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Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2003 20:07:59 PST8
From: Sheridan George < >
Subject: SCOUG-Programming: Shall we begin?

Content Type: text/plain

Lynn H. Maxson wrote:
> Sheridan writes:

> Kindly provide us with a snipet of the .html that you envision."
> I hate to blindside anyone. I could furnish and will within our
> expose of HPCalc literate programming examples using
> embedded html code. I will do so to give anyone experiential
> evidence that you don't want to do it this way.
> You see you shouldn't have to distill code from associated
> text in an html document. That's the hard and most
> expensive way. Greg touched upon this in his presentation
> when he mentioned accessing code through a database
> instead of a file manager.

Again, I snipped out a lot of your good stuff simply to keep this reply short.

OK, I'm with you. Our modalities may be different but we are aiming toward the same goal - produce
and maintain one document and get a maintained program and its relevant documentation. And if I
understand correctly even specifically tuned variations of the program and its/their attendant
documentation. Cool.

I'm not a "power" database user but I think databases are one of the neatest inventions. One can do
so many things with them. I'm very interested in learning more. I've got my student hat on. Let's
go! This "old dog" is itchin' to learn a new trick.



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