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We are having our next monthly meeting tomorrow, Jan 23, the first
meeting for PASUG, the Philadelphia Alternate Systems User Group (as
opposed to Philly OS/2). Let me see who will attend and probe the
interest further.
My preference is for C++ (using VAC++ 4) but I am also fluent in C.
Perhaps you and I can speak by phone in a couple of days? I will
e-mail my phone number to you by private e-mail.
On Wed, 22 Jan 2003 19:34:32 PST8, Lynn H. Maxson wrote:
>Hakan asks:
>"Which languages and which tools do the members of the
>SCOUG Programming group use?"
>Initially the GCC compiler and associated utilities. We have
>included the set on our monthly CD. Our initial effort will
>include the open source application HPCalc. In general our
>membership has experience in many programming languages. I
>specifically have a preference for PL/I and APL.
>I would think if you are interested in joining our effort that we
>could get a copy of the CD to you to copy and distribute to
>other interested members in your group. Of course, we could
>give you the sources we used and you could download them
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