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Date: Tue, 30 May 2006 20:21:06 -0700
From: Tom Brown < >
Subject: SCOUG-Programming: Porting an application in Perl

Content Type: text/plain

Just trying to get an idea of the magnitude of the task...

I have recently acquired a Slim Devices Squeezebox,
( which is a client hardware box that
receives audio content from a server program on one's intranet. The
server program is written in Perl. Binaries are provided for Windoze,
Mac and Linux as well as the source in an 8.9 MB zip file.

Now the question: is such a thing likely to run if compiled with the
OS/2 Perl code on Hobbes, or is it a monstrous task, especially for a
newbie like me?

All of my music is currently on an eCS system, but it could be moved to
another system running Linux. I suspect that the Linux route would be
much easier...

Tom Brown, Catherder
thombrown at san dot rr dot com
Member SCOUG, V.O.I.C.E. & SDAA


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