> Subject: SCOUG-Programming: January Programming SIG meeting
> I have continued my pursuit of an available open source PM
> editor without success. I did purchase a shareware editor,
> MED, which I have yet to explore fully. That means that we
> still need a candidate and that you have a vote.
Visual Slick has become abandonware for OS/2. I have a copy that I received that wasn't licensed and wrote to them many times to pay them for the copy. I have e-mail after e-mail from them saying that they could care less if I posted the OS/2 version all over the internet.
I have used Visual Slick for OS/2 since the early 90's. It is now called Slick Edit with their web site of the same name with a .com after it.
It is the best source code editor bar none for OS/2.
If any one would like a copy of it along with the e-mail communication with Slick Edit, I am more than willing to provide it.
Yes, I know you had terse words for me when I offered a copy of IBM VisualAge C++ but I permission from the authors now to copy this program.
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