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The Southern California OS/2 User Group
SCOUG OS/2 For You -
July 1998
Copyright ©1998 Webfoot, The Duck. All Rights Reserved.
Historical Duck
Webfoot profile
On the web, content is king. Far more important than glitzy
graphics, content makes people come back again and again.
Let's see how this month's chosen web sites measure up:
Ratings |
Info |
Content |
Links |
Glitz |
Type |
Site (url) and Comments |
A |
A- |
A |
OS/2 |
Rat's OS/2 Palace (http://www.concentric.net/~Ratfish/).
This guy's personal site is better than many commercial ones. Take a look. |
A |
B+ |
C- |
Software |
Roman's Home Page (http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Pines/7885/).
Roman Stangl is an OS/2 coder and writer. The popup Geocities ads are horrendous, but plow through them and check out his Program Commander/2 and other efforts. |
B |
F |
C- |
MPEG Audio |
PM123 (http://www.teamos2.sci.fi/pm123/).
MPEG audio player with plenty of extras --- tone, spectrum analyzer, lots more. Download it, try it. |
A+ |
F |
B- |
OS/2 Tools |
Henk's Homepage (http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/hkelder/).
OS/2 drivers to read FAT32 formatted partitions (yes they work). Workplace shell backup and restore. Association editor. |
A- |
F |
B |
OS/2 |
Large OS/2 Customers List (http://rover.wiesbaden.netsurf.de/~meile/los2cl.html).
Want an adrenalin shot? See who the driving corporate forces are behind OS/2. |
B |
F |
B+ |
Software |
Perez Computing Services (http://www.pcs-soft.com/).
Home of the popular Ctrl-Alt-Del Commander and several other utilities. |
F |
F |
A+ |
Beach Party |
Bikini.com (http://www.bikini.com/).
Subtitle says "The World's Biggest Beach Party!", but who's using their eyes to read? |
B+ |
F |
B |
Video |
Video Device Drivers and Information (Norloff's OS/2 BBS.COM) (http://www.os2bbs.com/Download/vdrivers.html).
So you're putting together a machine from spare parts, and you need a driver for the video card? Try here. |
B+ |
C |
B |
MIDI at Warp Speed with OS/2 (http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Horizon/6780/).
MIDI Station Sequencer and MIDI Station, plus RTMIDI setup. |
B- |
D |
B |
Software |
JMA Software Technologies (http://www.jmast.se/).
A browser, a boot utility to swap CONFIG.SYS and .DLL files, and some free source code. |
This month's Duck Feather
The Duck is still quacking about his recent find of HotSheet, at
This encyclopedic page contains his favorite search engines, a Deja News
link, sports and headline news, food, science, music, recreation, genealogy,
every Hollywood studio to whom he's submitted his life story, plus 9
"free stuff" sites and on and on and on and on.
"Who else has so many links crammed onto one page?" snorted El
Quacko as he disparaged all lesser sites and waddled back to his keyboard to
try MTV and Onion.
Comparing the Hits
(search engine results for various words or phrases)
http://www.*.com |
Search on |
AltaVista.Digital |
Excite |
HotBot |
Infoseek |
Lycos |
Webcrawler |
Yahoo |
59,350 |
10,868 |
26,714 |
6,743 |
1,000 |
268 |
3 |
winsock |
339,990 |
46,133 |
121,205 |
51,503 |
1,000 |
2,114 |
110 |
I2O |
3,517 |
1,122 |
3,507 |
1,760 |
499 |
39 |
3 |
beach |
5,455,211 |
513,375 |
1,207,273 |
1,907,405 |
1,000 |
41,750 |
5,650 |
Have a comment or fave site? QuackBack to TheDuck@scoug.com
Complaints? KickADuck@scoug.com
Historical Duck
Webfoot profile
The Southern California OS/2 User Group
P.O. Box 26904
Santa Ana, CA 92799-6904, USA
Copyright 1998 the Southern California OS/2 User Group. ALL RIGHTS
SCOUG is a trademark of the Southern California OS/2 User Group.
OS/2, Workplace Shell, and IBM are registered trademarks of International
Business Machines Corporation.
All other trademarks remain the property of their respective owners.