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Pictures from Sept. 1999
The views expressed in articles on this site are those of their authors.
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Copyright 1998-2024, Southern California OS/2 User Group.
SCOUG, Warp Expo West, and Warpfest are trademarks of the
Southern California OS/2 User Group.
OS/2, Workplace Shell, and IBM are registered trademarks of
International Business Machines Corporation.
All other trademarks remain the property of their respective owners.
The Southern California OS/2 User Group
Sung to the tune of "Davy Crockett,"
He was born on a mountain top in Tennessee,
Cleanest duck in the town of Apple Tree,
Raised on a pond where he knew every frond,
And hasn't stopped quacking since he was only three
Webfoot, the Duck with an Attitude, is a freelance writer.
In addition to the historical compilation, Webfoot rated ten web sites every month for quite a while.
- SCOUG: Wrapped Up In Text
WordWrap is a slick little application that does just what its name implies. (9/1/2003)
- Open Watcom Plus SciTech SNAP Plus Michal Necasek's Museum - June 15, 2002 SCOUG Meeting
An overflow crowd ate up Michal Necasek's June 2002 presentations... SciTech, Open Watcom, and historic OS/2 made for one very full day. (7/1/2002)
- Webfoot, The Duck -
September 1999
The Duck picks and reviews some of the top warped web sites, gives his monthly hint and checks the search engines. (9/8/1999)
- Webfoot, The Duck -
August 1999
The Duck picks and reviews some of the top warped web sites, gives his monthly hint and checks the search engines. (8/10/1999)
- Webfoot, The Duck -
July 1999
The Duck picks and reviews some of the top warped web sites, gives his monthly hint and checks the search engines. (7/7/1999)
- Webfoot, The Duck -
June 1999
The Duck picks and reviews some of the top warped web sites, gives his monthly hint and checks the search engines. (6/23/1999)
- Webfoot, The Duck -
May 1999
The Duck picks and reviews some of the top warped web sites, gives his monthly hint and checks the search engines. (5/1/1999)
- Webfoot, The Duck -
April 1999
The Duck picks and reviews some of the top warped web sites, gives his monthly hint and checks the search engines. (4/1/1999)
- Webfoot, The Duck -
March 1999
The Duck picks and reviews some of the top warped web sites, gives his monthly hint and checks the search engines. (3/1/1999)
- RealPlayer Confusion Caused by Webfoot
One of Webfoot's web picks in January caused a stir. Find out what and why. (2/1/1999)
- Webfoot, The Duck -
February 1999
The Duck picks and reviews some of the top warped web sites, gives his monthly hint and checks the search engines. (2/1/1999)
- Webfoot, The Duck -
January 1999
The Duck picks and reviews some of the top warped web sites, gives his monthly hint and checks the search engines. (1/1/1999)
- Webfoot, The Duck -
December 1998
The Duck picks and reviews some of the top warped web sites, gives his monthly hint and checks the search engines. (12/1/1998)
- Webfoot, The Duck -
November 1998
The Duck picks and reviews some of the top warped web sites, gives his monthly hint and checks the search engines. (11/1/1998)
- Webfoot, The Duck -
October 1998
The Duck picks and reviews some of the top warped web sites, gives his monthly hint and checks the search engines. (10/1/1998)
- Webfoot, The Duck -
September 1998
The Duck picks and reviews some of the
top warped web sites, gives his monthly hint and checks the search
engines. (9/1/1998)
- Webfoot, The Duck -
August 1998
- Webfoot, The Duck -
July 1998
- Webfoot, The Duck -
June 1998
- WebFoot, The Duck for April 1997