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The Southern California OS/2 User Group
SCOUG OS/2 For You -
September 1999
Copyright ©1999 Webfoot, The Duck. All Rights Reserved.
Historical Duck
Webfoot profile
On the web, content is king. Far more important than glitzy
graphics, content makes people come back again and again.
Let's see how this month's chosen web sites measure up:
It's been a long flight, and a rest looks good to me.
Hundreds of web sites have paddled through these pages and they reach journey's end with this column.
This is the last Webfoot, The Duck.
Thanks, of course, to The Southern California OS/2 User Group for hosting these columns for all these many months.
It's been a pleasure, guys, and I hope I've helped brighten your OS/2 days as much as you have mine.
An especially large Duck Sized Thank You goes to my editor, Carla Hanzlik, the lady at the big desk who always took her books off the guest chair and replaced them with a pillow when I waddled in for a visit.
She's the one who carefully typeset each column and made sure I didn't miss deadline with her simple "if it's not here by 10, we're going to release this month's issue without you."
And thanks to my mentor, Peter Skye, who helped me when my feathers got stuck in the keys and put up with my endless quacking late into the night.
He's the guy who paid for my picture, checked my spelling and converted my Duck thoughts to HTML.
Now, finally, he'll have more time for his family.
Ratings |
Info |
Content |
Links |
Glitz |
Type |
Site (url) and Comments |
A |
A |
C+ |
Sound |
MP3 Software on OS/2 Warp (http://www-unix.oit.umass.edu/~malstrom/mp3.html).
Short and sweet: if you want MP3 sound, come here. Note the "dash" in the url. |
B+ |
B |
A |
Games |
Kali (http://www.kali.net/).
Interactive online game playing against others on the 'net. Free OS/2 demo with 15 minute timeout per game.
Click to "News" and read Sept 9 '98 ABC writeup, then see the OS/2 games list on the Games..Games page. |
A+ |
B |
A+ |
OS/2 |
The "Not Very Nice at All" OS/2 Page (http://home.kscable.com/notverynice/).
An OS/2 site with a definite attitude --- a refreshing outspokeness for those OS/2 users who are, well, not very nice. Duck demands you read the OS/2 vs WinNT page. |
A |
C- |
A- |
DigiCamera |
Digital Camera Image Transfer Utility for OS/2 (http://users.uniserve.ca/~software/dcitu/).
Move those images from your digital camera straight into OS/2. |
A |
A |
B+ |
OS/2 |
IBM OS/2 Warp Update Summary (http://ourworld.compuserve.com/Homepages/orick/warpupd1.htm).
This uniquely designed web site feels like a spreadsheet. Lots of info, kept up to date by Oliver Rick. |
A |
C- |
A |
Utilities |
Filestar/2 and UniMaint (http://www.filestar.com/).
Yes, they're still around. Two long-time utilities that you really ought to try. |
B+ |
B+ |
B+ |
OS/2 |
Land Of Beyond (http://www2.crosswinds.net/hartford/~os2/).
Software reviews ("Subterranean Fudge"), hints ("Nudge Nudge"), more if you're nutty enough to keep looking. |
B+ |
B- |
C+ |
NetRexx |
NetRexx Ring (http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Lakes/3015/netrexxRing.html).
One dozen odes to NetRexx, if you can figure out where to click. (Psst -- try "NetRexx Ring Index"). |
A |
D |
B- |
Servers |
ServerConfig/2 (http://www.ecs.soton.ac.uk/~dm898/sc/).
Here's a setup utility for Apache, InetPowerServer, and IBM's TCP/IP Firewall. |
A |
F |
B- |
OS/2 |
IBM Solution Partnership Center (http://www.spc.ibm.com/).
In particular, check out Seminars & Workshops --- great pricing. |
A |
F |
C+ |
Programming |
SFX Installer for OS/2 Warp (http://www.pillarsoft.net/sfx.html).
SFX installs your software onto customer machines. It is slick. Go straight to the bottom and click on the screenshots. |
B+ |
F |
B- |
Antivirus |
Command AntiVirus (http://www.commandcom.com/html/products/os2.html).
The Duck lives in the fast lane, and doesn't use antivirus software. But if you don't think it's a thrill to dodge shotgun blasts at 20 yards, take aim at this product. |
A- |
B |
B |
OS/2 |
Fernando's Outpost (http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/fcassia/home.htm).
Some neat "stuff" if you poke around, especially in the Software & Other Stuff pages. Plus a sense of humor -- peek at his home page source code. |
A+ |
B |
C+ |
Encyclopedia |
Whatis?com (http://www.whatis.com/).
A great resource. Go ahead --- look up "smileys". |
B+ |
D+ |
B |
Music-MIDI |
Nota Musica (http://www.notamusica.com/).
Beautiful music charts and MIDI control. Click the British flag for English. |
? |
? |
B |
OS/2 |
Russian Underground/2 (http://www.os2.spb.ru/).
The intriguing thing on this OS/2 site is that the underlying urls on the left sidebar are in English. |
B+ |
D+ |
C+ |
Emulation |
Bochs x86 PC Emulation Software (http://www.bochs.com/).
Bochs ("box") lets you run one operating system within another by "emulating" (don't worry about it) the hardware.
Go to the "What is Bochs" page, then follow the OS/2 links. And review the entire site --- for example, the "On the drawing board" page. |
A+ |
F |
C+ |
Internet |
Netcraft (http://www.netcraft.com/).
These screwballs spend their time asking other web servers what software they're running. Click to "Web Server Survey" to see the results. |
B- |
C |
B- |
Software |
Sergey I. Yevtushenko Home Page (http://www.naverex.kiev.ua/~evsi/).
Some nice programming efforts from Sergey. Duck likes the PU Monitor screenshot. |
B+ |
D+ |
C+ |
Networking |
Delta Systems Engineering (http://www.deltasys.org/).
The "OS/2 Technical Support" page has a step-by-step for adding your network card. Also see his Y2K page and the software link off his personal page. |
A |
F |
D+ |
3-D |
PoV-Ray 3.1e for OS/2 (http://w1.246.telia.com/~u24600028/).
PoV-Ray is a free ray tracing program for creating 3-D images. Jan Danielsson has compiled an OS/2 version. |
A+ |
F |
C+ |
Servers |
OS/2 Web Servers (http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/pub/os2/apps/internet/www/server/).
Stuff from 1999, stuff from 1995, you'll even find Squid. |
B |
F |
B |
Zipadeedoo |
RPF Zip Control (http://www.rpfsoftware.com/).
Stop that command line zipping! Just point and click. |
B- |
D+ |
C+ |
OS/2 |
Paul Ratcliffe's Home Page (http://home.clara.net/orac/index.htm).
Let's see. You can choose "OS/2 DLL Entry Points", or "Miscellaneous Utilities" (heavy on the BBC TV there), or even "Why I hate CompuServe". |
? |
? |
B |
OS/2 |
Team OS/2pl (http://www.teamos2.org.pl/).
Team OS/2 in Poland. |
This month's Duck Feather
MP3 audio files can be found on the 'net with the MP3 search engine at http://mp3.lycos.com/.
(The Duck asked Grampa to give it a try, and Gramps happily found several dozen sites with MP3's of The Kingston Trio.)
For players try http://mp3.lycos.com/players/os2/.
And for encoders so you can make your own MP3 files, go to http://mp3.lycos.com/encoders/os2/.
Finally, check the ever-useful http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/ where you can run a Quick Search on "MP3" with good results.
Comparing the Hits
(search engine results for various words or phrases)
Have a comment or fave site? QuackBack to TheDuck@scoug.com
Complaints? KickADuck@scoug.com
Historical Duck
Webfoot profile
The Southern California OS/2 User Group
P.O. Box 26904
Santa Ana, CA 92799-6904, USA
Copyright 1999 the Southern California OS/2 User Group. ALL RIGHTS
SCOUG, Warp Expo West, and Warpfest are trademarks of the Southern California OS/2 User Group.
OS/2, Workplace Shell, and IBM are registered trademarks of International
Business Machines Corporation.
All other trademarks remain the property of their respective owners.