November 2000
Mr. Know-It-All has the answers to even the really tough questions.
Q. Dear Mr. Know-It-All,
Can I run both an IDE and a SCSI CD-ROM drive at same time?
A. Yes. You may need to experiment with the driver load order in CONFIG.SYS to
get the drive letters assigned to your preference. You might also want to
use RESERVEDRIVELETTER to select the 1st drive letter assigned. This will be
helpful if you add hard disk partitions in the future.
Q. Dear Mr. Know-It-All,
I downloaded a copy of Embellish and the installation fails because it can't find
EPFIPII.DLL. That name is familiar. What's going on?
A. Embellish uses the infamous IBM Software Installer. Netscape and several other programs use this installer. Netscape uses the same version as Embellish. IBM VoiceType uses an older version.
Dadaware forgot to include a couple of the redistributable files required by the Installer. Copy the missing files from the Netscape directory to the directory where you unzipped the Embellish installation kit and Embellish should now install without problems.
Q. Dear Mr. Know-It-All,
I'm trying to install a new video card and cannot switch to VGA. POPUPLOG reports traps in INSFCFG32.DLL. Help!
A. Most likely your CONFIG.SYS is too long. Several CONFIG.SYS maintanance
utilities add REM's to CONFIG.SYS to record change history. When switching to VGA, DSPINSTAL calls routines in INSFCFG32 to modify CONFIG.SYS. Once CONFIG.SYS exceeds 600 lines, INSFCFG32 will trap. Delete REM lines until CONFIG.SYS is less than 600 lines and SETVGA will begin to work again.
Curious or in doubt, you can ask
Mr. Know-It-All
OS/2 is his specialty and sharing solutions is his passion
Mr. Know-It-All lives in Southern California.