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The Southern California OS/2 User Group

November 2008


by Gary Wong

Updates from last month's column:

Peter Weilbacher has released SeaMonkey version 2.0 alpha 1 as of 10/09/2008. It is a continuation of the Mozilla Suite, which was discontinued in 2005. Go to; the file name is (zip file only). More info is at and


  1. Steve Wendt has a Warpzilla tips page at
  2. Since this is an alpha release: unless you plan to report or fix bugs, it is recommended that you stick with SeaMonkey 1.1.12 (see the Oct. 2008 Download!).
  3. You must unzip the file yourself into a directory and then create or update a program object accordingly.
  4. As this is a major upgrade over the 1.1.x series, be sure to read the README file; according to Peter, media support is not yet activated on OS/2, so pages with <audio> and <video> don't work.
  5. This version requires the GCC runtime; download that at (zip file), (WarpIN archive), or (a self-extracting executable). The EMX runtime is no longer required if you don't already have it installed. The GCC runtime installer defaults to x:\OS2\DLL (where x is your OS/2 or eComStation boot drive); it may be preferable to put the runtime in the same directory as the SeaMonkey executable, or in x:\ECS\DLL (which is where I have it on my eComStation machine).
  6. Starting with SeaMonkey 2.0, IPLUGINW.DLL for Java support is already included. Also the Innotek Font Engine is no longer required with SeaMonkey 2.0.
  7. Tony's notes on installing and running SeaMonkey are at

Peter has also released Firefox version 3.1 beta 1 as of 10/16/2008. This has been demoed by Tony Butka at previous SCOUG general meetings. It is a browser based on Mozilla that does not contain mail, newsgroups, Composer, IRC, etc. Go to; the file name is More info is at


  1. If you are looking for an all-in-one suite similar to Mozilla, please take a look at SeaMonkey version 1.1.12 (see the Oct. 2008 Download!).
  2. Steve Wendt has a Warpzilla tips page at
  3. Since this is a beta release: unless you plan to report or fix bugs, it is recommended that you stick with Firefox 3.0.3 or Firefox (see the Oct. 2008 Download!).
  4. You must unzip the file yourself into a directory and then create or update a program object accordingly.
  5. As this is a major upgrade over the 2.0.0.x series, be sure to read the README file; there are some known limitations listed there.
  6. This version requires the GCC runtime; download that at (zip file), (WarpIN archive), or (a self-extracting executable). The EMX runtime is no longer required if you don't already have it installed. The GCC runtime installer defaults to x:\OS2\DLL (where x is your OS/2 or eComStation boot drive); it may be preferable to put the runtime in the same directory as the Firefox executable, or in x:\ECS\DLL (which is where I have it on my eComStation machine).
  7. Starting with Firefox 3.0, IPLUGINW.DLL for Java support is already included. Also the Innotek Font Engine is no longer required with Firefox 3.0.x or greater.
  8. Tony's notes on installing and running Firefox are at

FTPServer version 1.321 has been released as of 10/08/2008. Compared to the standard FTPD that comes with OS/2 & eComStation, this one has better security controls, together with extra features such as symbolic links. Go to

LIBDVDCSS version 1.2.10 has been released as of 10/02/2008. It does DVD decryption without region checking. Use search key libdvdcss on Hobbes.

Simple Samba Configuration Center is now at version 0.8.0 as of 10/25/2008. This allows you to edit an available SMB.CONF, already available keys, and add and remove shares and printers. There are also other Samba-related utilities on the website. Go to

SmartSVN version 4.0.8 has been released as of 10/24/2008. This is a Java Subversion GUI client, with features like built-in File Compare/Merge, Change Report or Tag and Branch handling, etc. It requires Java 1.4.1 or higher. Go to

The Java Image Browser Sorter is now at version 2.3.3 as of 10/18/2008. This program requires Java 1.4. Go to

PHPMyAdmin version 3.0.1 has been released as of 10/22/2008. This is a set of PHP scripts to administer MySQL over the Web. Go to

From this month's "Paul Smedley has been busy" file:

  • GCC versions 4.0.4 (as of 10/03/2008) and version 4.3.2 (as of 10/25/2008) have been released. These are open-source compilers used by many applications, including Firefox, Thunderbird, and SeaMonkey. Go to


    1. Paul documents open issues and closed (i.e. fixed) issues.
    2. Having said that, Paul has been able to build Rsync, Apache version 2, MySQL, Firefox version 3.0 (from CVS), GhostScript, FFMPEG, Scribus, etc.

  • Paul has released as of 10/25/2008 a build of UniAud32, where the driver code has been updated to ALSA 1.0.18rc3. This features better support for HDA than earlier builds of UniAud, and will eventually become UniAud version 2.0. Go to


    1. Paul has another build that includes additional HDA fixes in UniAud16; go to

This month's new listings - Drivers:

(None this month)

This month's new listings - Applications:

Peter Weilbacher has released "Shredder alpha 3" (the code name for Thunderbird 3.0) as of 10/15/2008. This has been demoed by Tony Butka at previous SCOUG general meetings. It is a mail and newsgroup client based on Mozilla that does not contain the browser. Go to; the file name is More info is at


  1. If you are looking for an all-in-one suite similar to Mozilla, please take a look at SeaMonkey version 1.1.12 (see the Oct. 2008 Download!).
  2. Steve Wendt has a Warpzilla tips page at
  3. Since this is an alpha release: unless you plan to report or fix bugs, it is recommended that you stick with Thunderbird (see the Oct. 2008 Download!).
  4. You must unzip the file yourself into a directory and then create or update a program object accordingly.
  5. This version requires the GCC runtime; download that at (zip file), (WarpIN archive), or (a self-extracting executable). The EMX runtime is no longer required if you don't already have it installed. The GCC runtime installer defaults to x:\OS2\DLL (where x is your OS/2 or eComStation boot drive); it may be preferable to put the runtime in the same directory as the Thunderbird executable, or in x:\ECS\DLL (which is where I have it on my eComStation machine).
  6. Starting with Thunderbird 3.0, IPLUGINW.DLL for Java support is already included. Also the Innotek Font Engine is no longer required with Thunderbird 3.0.
  7. Tony's notes on installing and running Thunderbird are at

Walter Meinl has released Lightning version 0.9 as of 10/01/2008. This is a Thunderbird extension that provides calendar support. Go to; the filename is lightning-0.9-os2.xpi.

DFSee, which has been presented by Tony Butka at previous SCOUG general meetings, is now at version 9.13 as of 10/11/2008. It is a FDISK, display, analysis and recovery tool for disks and filesystems. It includes the ability to resize FAT and FAT32 partitions, and has some JFS and LVM support. Go to


  1. You can also use search key dfsee9 on Hobbes.
  2. DFSee is shareware. Registration is at Mensys (
  3. It is available as a zip file (at Hobbes and, or a WarpIN archive ( only).

One of our members (Bob Blair) has released Sudoku version 1.03 as of 10/14/2008. The game acts as a "whiteboard" for Sudoku puzzles, and is considerably easier (and a lot more fun) to use than paper & pencil. A sample puzzle is included to help you get acquainted with the program, along with a REXX script to download the daily Sudoku puzzles from the "Sudoku Online" website. Use search key sudoku on Hobbes.

Whois version 4.7.28 has been released as of 10/02/2008. This is a new whois (RFC 954) client that is intelligent and can automatically select the appropriate whois server for most queries. Use search key whois on Hobbes.


  1. Our treasurer, Steven Levine, helped on the NLS and long option support in Whois.

z! has been updated as of 10/02/2008. This is a text-mode MP3 player, that can also handle OGG, streaming audio (Shoutcast), and has normalize support. Go to

X264 version 0.64.x has been released as of 10/02/2008. It is a H.264 (MPEG4 AVC) encoder library. Use search key x264 on Hobbes.

The RAR archiver is now at version 3.80 as of 09/30/2008. This is a command-line compression utility, with tight general and multimedia compression, recovery record option management of non-RAR archives, RCVT (aRchive ConVersion Tool), and more. Go to

SearchPlus version 1.05 has been released as of 09/29/2008. This tool does simultaneous multiple file searches, including in zip archives. Search criteria can include contents, file size, file date, attributes, and actions can include edit, open, delete, copy, move, & execute. Use search key SearchPlus on Hobbes.

ArgoUML version 0.26 has been released as of 09/27/2008. This is a modeling tool written in Java to help you do your design using UML (Unified Modeling Language). Go to

MagicDraw UML version 16.0 beta 1 has been released as of 10/07/2008. This is a Java-based UML modeling tool. Go to

File Commander version 2.30 has been released as of 09/25/2008. This is a Norton Commander-style file manager featuring powerful file management functions, program launch, text viewing and editing facilities, and built-in archiver support. Go to

DOS Navigator/2 version 2.14 beta has been released as of 09/23/2008. This is another free VIO Norton Commander clone. The web page is mostly in Russian, but the program should be in English. Go to

Harbour version 1.0.1 has been released as of 09/18/2008. This is a free software compiler for the xBase superset language, often referred to as Clipper (as implemented by CA-Clipper). Go to

WSedit version 0.99h has been released a few months ago (04/08/2008). This is an editor with CUA and Wordstar key commands, syntax highlighting, translation, spell-checking, function key macro recorder, and a log of other features. Also available is WSformat, a formatting and printing program for Wordstar files. WSedit is freeware, WSformat is shareware. Go to

SmartCVS version 7.0.1_1 has been released as of 10/19/2008. This is a Java CVS GUI client, with features such as built-in File Compare/Merge, transaction display or List Repository Files, and more. It requires Java 1.4.1 or higher. Go to

TextHelper version 1.06 has been released. This is a rudimentary editor, but has special support for printing text in various compact ways on HP Deskjet and Laserjet printers. Go to

KShell version 0.7.0 has been released as of 10/05/2008. This is a replacement VIO window, which allows DBCS input and output even on non-DBCS OS/2, with support for scroll-back and clipboard. Use search key kshell on Hobbes.

The Workplace Shell Toolkit is now at version 1.70 as of 10/16/2008. It provides helper functions for easier creation of new Workplace Shell Classes. Many functions are also useful for plain PM or VIO programming. Source code is also available. Use search key wpstk on Hobbes.

SDLMAME version 0.128 has been released as of 10/18/2008. This is a SDL version of the Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator. Use search key sdlmame on Hobbes.

SMPlayer version 0.5.21 has been released as of 10/20/2008. This is a GUI front-end for MPlayer, based on the QT graphics toolkit. Go to

ImageJ version 1.41 has been released as of 10/24/2008. It is a powerful image-editing program relying on Java 1.3 or greater, with numerous plugins. Go to

GOCR version 0.45 has been released as of 10/21/2008. GNU Optical Character Recognition reads images in many formats and outputs a text file. Go to

PPWizard version 08.298 has been released. This is a generic pre- processor with specific support for HTML and REXX. This can be used to generate advanced web page designs. Go to

More from this month's "Paul Smedley has been busy" file:

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The Southern California OS/2 User Group
P.O. Box 26904
Santa Ana, CA 92799-6904, USA

Copyright 2008 the Southern California OS/2 User Group. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

SCOUG, Warp Expo West, and Warpfest are trademarks of the Southern California OS/2 User Group. OS/2, Workplace Shell, and IBM are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. All other trademarks remain the property of their respective owners.