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The Southern California OS/2 User Group

August 2009


by Gary Wong

Updates from last month's column:

Peter Weilbacher has released Firefox version 3.0.12 as of 07/22/2009. This has been demoed by Tony Butka at previous SCOUG general meetings. It is a browser based on Mozilla that does not contain mail, newsgroups, Composer, IRC, etc. Go to; the file name is More info is at is at


  1. If you are looking for an all-in-one suite similar to Mozilla, please take a look at SeaMonkey version 1.1.17 (see the July 2009 Download!).
  2. Steve Wendt has a Warpzilla tips page at
  3. This is primarily a bug-fix release and does not have any new functionality added.
  4. You must unzip the file yourself into a directory and then create or update a program object accordingly.
  5. As this is a major upgrade over the 2.0.0.x series, be sure to read the README file; there are some known limitations listed there, particularly with printing.
  6. The GCC runtime is required; download that at (zip file), (WarpIn archive), or (a self- extracting executable). The GCC runtime installer defaults to x:\OS2\DLL (where x is your OS/2 or eComStation boot drive); it may be preferable to put the runtime in the same directory as the Firefox executable, or in x:\ECS\DLL (which is where I have it on my eComStation machine).
  7. Starting with Firefox 3.0, IPLUGINW.DLL for Java support is already included. Also, the Innotek Font Engine is no longer required with Firefox 3.0.x.
  8. Tony's notes on installing and running Firefox are at

Agena version 0.25.4 has been released as of 08/01/2009. This is an interpreted language suited for sophisticated procedural programming, with syntax like simplified ALGOL 68, with elements taken from Lua and SQL. Go to, or use search key agena on Hobbes.

SmartSVN version 6.0.3 has been released as of 07/03/2009. This is a Java Subversion GUI client, with features such as built-in File Compare / Merge, Change Report or Tag and Branch Handling, and more. It requires Java 1.4.1 or higher. Go to

SmartCVS version 7.0.9 has been released as of 07/28/2009. This is a Java CVS GUI client, with features such as built-in File Compare / Merge, Transaction display or List Repository Files, and more. It requires Java 1.4.1 or higher. Go to

PHPMyAdmin version has been released as of 06/30/2009. This is a set of PHP scripts to administer MySQL over the Web. Go to

Lzip version 1.8rc1 has been released as of 07/12/2009. This is a lossless file compressor that is almost as fast as Gzip, and compresses better than Bzip2. Use search key lzip on Hobbes.

SDLMAME version 0.133 has been released as of 07/26/2009. This is an SDL version of the Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator. Use search key sdlmame on Hobbes.

Privoxy (formerly known as JunkBuster) is now at version 3.0.14 beta as of 07/24/2009. This is a web proxy with advanced filtering capabilities for protecting privacy, filtering web page content, managing cookies, controlling access, and removing ads, banners, pop-ups and other obnoxious Internet junk. Go to

MagicDraw UML version 16.5 SP3 has been released as of 07/20/2009. This is a Java-based UML modelling tool. Go to

The USB-based monitor for APC Back-UPS CS/ES is now at version 0.10.3 as of 07/23/2009. The web site is in Russian, but there is an English README file. Go to, or use search key bkupsmon on Hobbes.

From this month's "Paul Smedley has been busy" file:

This month's new listings - Drivers:

There is documentation available on how to install eComStation 2.0 on a ASUS EeePC 701 netbook; the package includes some necessary WiFi drivers. Use search key USB_CD-to-EeePC on Hobbes.


  1. Yuri Dario also was able to install eComStation 2.0 on a ASUS EeePC 900; for his comments, go to
  2. Also there are various videos on YouTube showing OS/2 and eComStation running on the ASUS Eee PC netbooks; go to

This month's new listings - Applications:

NZBGet version 0.7.0 has been released as of 07/01/2009. This is a binary newsgrabber, which downloads files from Usenet. Use search key nzbget on Hobbes.

An OS/2 port of the Tesseract open-source OCR engine, version 2.04, has been released as of 07/01/2009. Use search key tesseract on Hobbes.

DVD/CD Toys version 0.06.00 has been released as of 06/30/2009. This is a set of utilities to burn CD and DVD disks, and ISO images. Go to

PrefBar version 4.2 has been released as of 06/30/2009. It allows you to configure several Mozilla settings on the fly, and incorporates the features of UABar. Go to

CCLive version 0.4.4 has been released as of 06/28/2009. This is a command-line video extraction utility, which allows you to download videos from supported websites, including YouTube, Google Video, and Daily Motion. Use search key cclive on Hobbes.

FlashBlock version 1.5.11 (for Firefox 1.5.x and later) and version 1.3.14 (for other Mozilla browsers) have been released as of 06/27/2009. This is a Mozilla / Firefox extension that replaces Flash animations with a "click to play" placeholder. Go to

The Java Image Browser Sorter is now at version 2.4.2 as of 07/19/2009. This program requires Java 1.4. Go to

Web Family Tree version 1.7 has been released as of 07/10/2009. It allows you to put your genealogy information on the Web, using CGI. You need a web server to use it. Go to

The Samba server versions 3.0.35 and 3.3.6 (labeled version 1.0.1 and 1.1beta1, respectively) have been released as of 07/14/2009. Also available as of 07/09/2009 is a plugin for the NetDrive Filesystem, as version 1.5 beta2; it is based on Samba 3.0.35. It allows you to mount SMB or CIFS shares on OS/2 without the need of NetBIOS (IBM LAN Manager or IBM Peer). Also available is a Samba port driver (as of 05/08/2009) for printing to shared printers. Go to

NDPDAV version 1.1.1 has been released as of 07/16/2009. This is a WebDAV client for NetDrive, which allows you to connect to Apache mod_dav WebDAV resources as regular directories on a NetDrive virtual volume. WebDAV is a set of extensions to the HTTP protocol which allows users to collaboratively edit and manage files on remote web servers. Go to

USB ModeSwitch version 1.0.2 has been released as of 07/09/2009. This is a small mode switching tool for controlling "flip-flop" (multiple device) USB gear; such devices present themselves as a USBMSD device for (usually Win32) driver installation, and then switch to their primary function. Use search key usb_modeswitch on Hobbes.

DCRaw version 8.95 has been released as of 07/08/2009. This is a digital camera RAW file conversion utility. Included is version 0.49 of the "vcd" experimental version (as of 02/06/2009). Use search key dcraw on Hobbes.

PMRaw version 2.4 has been released as of 08/01/2009. This is a graphical front-end to DCRaw (see previous item), which allows you to display images from digital cameras in RAW format, and convert them to BMP or JPG. Go to

There is an experimental OS2LDR replacement, version 0.03 as of 07/19/2009. It features support for a configuration file, in which you can specify which kernel file to boot, along with other features. Use search key os2ldr on Hobbes.

PNGcrush version 1.7.0 has been released as of 07/18/2009. This is for size reduction of the PNG (Portable Network Graphics) IDAT datastream by trying various compression levels and PNG filter methods. Use search key pngcru on Hobbes.

ClamAV version has been released as of 07/27/2009. This is a GPL anti-virus toolkit, which features a command-line scanner, a tool for automatic updating via the Internet, and integration with mail servers (attachment scanning). Go to

Weasel version 1.79 has been released as of 07/13/2009. This is a "lightweight" SMTP/POP server that has multi-domain support. Also available (as of 04/05/2005) is the IMAPD version 0.08 module. Go to

Memtester version 4.1.2 has been released as of 08/01/2009. This is a utility for testing the memory system in a computer to determine if it is faulty. Use search key memtester on Hobbes.

NewLISP version 10.1.1 has been released as of 08/01/2009. This is a LISP-like scripting language for CGI programming, system administration, text processing, etc. Go to

A FTPBrowser patch has been released as of 07/31/2009. This binary patch fixes some Y2K issues in FTPBrowser 1.71. Use search key ftpbrows on Hobbes.

An Impos2 palette patch has been released as of 07/31/2009. This binary patch fixes the color palette rendering in Impos 2.1. Use search key impos2 on Hobbes.

GNU Indent version 2.2.10 has been released as of 07/31/2009. This tool is useful for re-formatting source code. Use search key indent on Hobbes.

Guiffy, which has been presented at SCOUG general meetings in the past, is now at version 9.0 as of 07/29/2009. It is a file compare / merge (diff-like) tool with a GUI implemented in Java. Go to

bootAble version 6.3 has been released as of 07/27/2009. This is a script which can be used to create a maintenance partition or bootable CD with enough facilities to fully manage and recover your system. It contains support for LVM, HPFS, JFS, FAT32, UDF, and the CD file system. Go to

More from this month's "Paul Smedley has been busy" file:

  • GhostScript version 8.70 has been released as of 08/01/2009. This is an interpreter for the PostScript language, compatible with GSView. Go to


    1. Please read the included README.OS2 file for tips on getting this build to work with GSView before e-mailing Paul saying it doesn't work.

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The Southern California OS/2 User Group
P.O. Box 26904
Santa Ana, CA 92799-6904, USA

Copyright 2008 the Southern California OS/2 User Group. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

SCOUG, Warp Expo West, and Warpfest are trademarks of the Southern California OS/2 User Group. OS/2, Workplace Shell, and IBM are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. All other trademarks remain the property of their respective owners.