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The Southern California OS/2 User Group
By day, Tony Butka is a bureaucrat for Los Angeles County. In his other life he lives in a loft surrounded by computers, printers, and a host of vinyl records. Tony served for several years on SCOUG's board of directors, then took a "break" to lead its General Interest Group, and now he's both GIG leader and SCOUG's president. Oh, and he writes a monthly column on printing and scanning under OS/2 called Ink.
- Installing and Running Firebird, Thunderbird, and Mozilla under OS/2
Want to start using Firebird or Thunderbird but you just haven't because...? Wait no longer. This article provides some details and encouragement to get you over the hump. It's not hard. (10/1/2003)
- Junk Spy Version 2.0
Tony Butka gave Junk Spy a thumbs up when he reviewed the first release last year. Now he updates his review for version 2.0, and tells you all the more reasons he has to like it. (10/1/2001)
- Making GhostView Work With Netscape
The combination of Russell Lang's GhostView front end and GhostScript for OS/2 version 7 makes a handy dandy pdf viewer for Netscape. This tip tells you how to set it up. (8/1/2001)
- Junk Spy 1.0 from Sundial Systems
Junk Spy from Sundial Systems is a new junk mail filtering program for your e-mail account(s). But to say that Junk Spy is simply a junk mail filter really is to shortchange the program. This program is both a godsend and revenge on the junk mailers. (2/1/2000)
- Partition Magic 4.0, Revisited
Partition Magic Version 4.0 can work for OS/2 users, as Tony explains. He has a lot a useful advice to offer about it. (12/13/1999)
- Partition Magic 4.0 Upgrade
As an OS/2 user, Tony is not happy with PowerQuest's decision to stop supporting OS/2 with version 4.0 of Partition Magic. He explains the grief this caused him trying to upgrade from the version 3 he had installed on an HPFS partition. But he goes on to look at version 4.0's new features after installing under a supported operating system. (3/1/1999)
- Reasons to Use OS/2
Tony shares his top ten reasons for using the best operating system in the world. What are yours? (2/1/1999)
- Drive Image 2.0
Drive Image is a utility from PowerQuest that will make an image of any partition on your system, and move it to whatever device you want to send the image to. Tony gives version 2.0 a big thumbs up. (7/1/1998)
- Confessions of a Newbie Scanner Freak
- Epson Color Stylus 600 &
Lexmark 3000 Color JetPrinter
- Post Road News Reader
This review found some nice features in InnoVal's News Reader Version 1.1. (8/1/1996)
- Clearlook 1.1 - A Review
The reviewer likes Clearlook version 1.1 very much. It's not a full-blown desktop publishing package, but rather a small fast word processor that meets most of his needs. (6/1/1995)