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SCOUG, Warp Expo West, and Warpfest are trademarks of the
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OS/2, Workplace Shell, and IBM are registered trademarks of
International Business Machines Corporation.
All other trademarks remain the property of their respective owners.
The Southern California OS/2 User Group
Top 10 List
Many of the problems at the SCOUG Help Desk are reoccuring. Different
people are encountering the same problem. We've attemtped to collect
and catalog 10 of the most common problems and solutions. Review this
list to see if your problem is listed.
- I have a new hard drive, but OS/2 won't install on it, or does
not see it correctly.
There is an updated device driver that allows OS/2 to access hard
drives larger than 4 gigabytes. Without it, OS/2 will be very confused
about your nice, new hard drive. Recently, there has been an update to
this driver to support hard drives larger than 8.4 gigabytes. You can
the new driver from IBM's FTP site.
This same driver supports formatting removable media such as JAZ and
ZIP drives as HPFS.
- How do I get and install the latest Netscape for OS/2? What is the
latest version?
The latest version of Netscape is Netscape Communicator 4.04. Many
people still prefer the Netscape Navigator 2.02 because it is smaller
and quicker.
You can download both from IBM's
Software Choice Home Page. After you have downloaded Netscape, and
the Plug-in Pak that corresponds to the version of Netscape you
downloaded, run each program in it's own temporary directory. This will
extract the files for installation. Then run, INSTALL and follow the
- Should I install the latest FixPak? What is the latest
You can always check on the latest FixPak by visiting IBM's FixPak Home Page or the
Whether or not to install a FixPak is a question of much debate.
Generally, the answer is, If it ain't broke, don't fix it. But,
don't assume that because something is not working on your system, a
FixPak will cure it. Read over the fix list for a given FixPak and then
decide if you need to install it.
There are two good reasons to install a FixPak. Sometimes software
you may want to use (such as Lotus Smart Suite) requires a specific
FixPak. The other reason is Y2K support. In general OS/2 and OS/2
applications are well prepared, but there are some very specific fixes
included in various OS/2 FixPaks (see Year
2000 Corrections included in OS/2 FixPaks)
- What version of Java should I be using? Where can I download
OS/2 Warp 4 includes the Java runtime version 1.02. There have been
several updates since then.
The latest version of Java for OS/2 is 1.1.7. This version of Java
includes performance enhancements and Y2K fixes. In general, this is
the version of Java you should be running.
You can download it from IBM's
Software Choice home page.
- I want to add a network card to my computer. What should I look
Most network cards include drivers for OS/2. But a few of the newer
ones do not. Look on the package for the list of supported operating
systems. If it does not explicitly say OS/2 or OS/2 Warp, look for IBM
Lan Server or Warp Server. If it mentions any of these operating
systems, you're in business.
You may also want to review Steve Schiffman's Building Your Own
Home/Small Business Network
- I purchased a new 56K modem, but can't find OS/2 drivers for it
In OS/2 modems do not need drivers. Instead, there is a generic
serial port driver that you probably already have installed.
There are two common reasons that you can't get your modem to work
under OS/2. If it is a Plug-n-Play modem, follow the directions in the
README (located in the root directory of your OS/2 drive), in section
6.0. Or, if you are attempting to use your modem as COM3, you will need
to add additional parameters to the line DEVICE=\OS2\COM.SYS in your
CONFIG.SYS. For these details, go to an OS/2 command line and type
- I just installed a new video card but the OS/2 CD-ROM does not
include drivers for it
There have been many updated and new device drivers since Warp 4 was
released. The best place to start your search is the online version of
the OS/2
Device Driver Pak
- I want to use a ZIP drive or JAZ drive with OS/2
You will have limited success if you install the drive using the
standard OS/2 device drivers. However, you will have better luck,
including the ability to use HPFS if you use the updated IDE
Driver available from IBM.
- I recently purchased a new fast IDE CD-ROM drive. However it
did not come with OS/2 drivers
OS/2 includes a generic driver for IDE CD-ROMs. You should not need
any additional drivers. If you are replacing an IDE CD-ROM, you
will not need to change anything!
- I just installed a DVD drive. Where can I find OS/2 software for
At this time, OS/2 does not include support for DVD drives. Keep
your eyes on the
the OS/2
Device Driver Pak Online site; that's where it will show up first.
The Southern California OS/2 User Group
P.O. Box 26904
Santa Ana, CA 92799-6904, USA
Copyright 1998 the Southern California OS/2 User Group. ALL RIGHTS
SCOUG is a trademark of the Southern California OS/2 User Group.
OS/2, Workplace Shell, and IBM are registered trademarks of International
Business Machines Corporation.
All other trademarks remain the property of their respective owners.