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If you are responding to someone asking for help who
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The limit, not only for OS/2, is 1024 cylinder resp ca 8.4GB !
>> I believe that I can partially help you. Your boot partition,
the one in
>> which you install OS/2 will have to be <= 8 GB. That's a
absolute limit
>> for the HPFS (high performance file system). Perhaps it's a
limit for the
>> OS/2??
> No, is a limit based on BIOS os OS/2 version. Newer MB's
combined with
> MCP or eCS have no trouble with the 8GB (actually 1K cylinder)
The system needs the newer IBM1S506.ADD resp DaniS506.ADD to be
able to read
todays much bigger HDD's but your installation still may NOT
exceed these
limits of 1024 cyls resp 8.4 GB !!!
See the sample here on a Disk with 19077 MB:
?: 3506MB NTFS-H W2K
C: 1506MB HPFS OS/2
?: 2436MB ???? Linux
D: 2000MB HPFS
E: 9514MB JFS
This configuration is working on a friends system ;-))
Myself I do have identical HDD1 on each of our systems:
HDD1: Quantum Fireball lqt10 7.5GB
C1: 1000MB primary FAT DrDOS
empty space (for any WIN OS / if needed !?)
C2: 1255MB primary HPFS OS/2 PROD
C3: 1255MB primary HPFS OS/2 TEST
D: primary bootable HPFS (Maintenenance Partition)
HDD1: Quantum Fireball lqt10 7.5GB
C1: 2000MB primary FAT W98SE
empty space (for anything needed !?)
C2: primary HPFS OS/2 PROD
D: primary bootable HPFS (Maintenenance Partition)
I like this intensively partitioned environment with
its dedicated functions and its security but it will
become much more difficult if anybody uses many more
different OS i.e. OS/2 & WIN??? & Linux's !
I learned that it is very important to know what I am
going or wanting to do ...
... and accordingly to my intentions prepare the HDD
and partitions topography ;-)
OS/2 is very cooperative with all the changes ...
... either HW or SW with few exceptions but if it
comes to WIN??? its a torture ;-(
Regards, svobi
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