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Hi Jordan
have you checked the file's attrib's ?
Perhaps it's set as "system or read-only" ??
My system does not show such a file in root
and I believe you can erase it ;-)
Kind regards, svobi on 20.09.2002 20.28.00
Please respond to
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Can't remove Bogus File
The result of my initially failed attempts to install a new
(OS/2 never made this procedure as straightforward as it ought to
been) seems to be that a zero-length file called LPT2 got
created in
the root of my Warp 4 partition. Its presence is creating a major
PITA for certain things like tape backups, so I've tried getting
of it, without success. Can't zap it from the Maintenance
Partition. Could try a diskette boot . . . but of course this
still a protected name. UniMaint did not seem to offer any
solution. I could install BLACK HOLE, which I had used back in
Warp 3
days, if that would work. Any suggestions ?
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