>in ...Templates\
>Bitmap and Bitmap!1
>Icon and Icon.ICO
>Pointer and Pointer.PTR
>They seem to be OK 'cuz they are also in my other system which does not
>have this problem.
Even so, Bitmap!1, Icon and Pointer are garbage. Just because they are
not a problem on the other system says nothing about this system.
>EZPLAY - EZPLAY2 Class dll could not be found
Forgot to mention that one. Senior memory strikes. It's for the PMCIA
object. Don't fuss with it because the WPS will tend to reregister it as
it would with WPTouch.
>Same hang. :-(>
Oh well.
>'Dunno if you will be wrapped up in the XXXVII festivities tomorrow, but
>I will probably be here messing with this thing. SD is going to be a
>mess, and I don't think I want to go anywhere south of home or be on the
>freeways either before or after the game!
I'll be in and out. I really don't have the football gene, but I may go
over the Jerry Rash's place and watch the game and talk techie until
everyone else is bored.
Just keep deleting templates with Unimaint until the problem goes away.
It will go away eventually. If you are lucky you'll pick the bad one
sooner rather than later. Do a divide and conquer. Delete half of the
templates each cycle. That way it will only talk log2(n) tests to find
the troublemaker.
"Steven Levine" MR2/ICE 2.35 #10183 Warp4/FP15/14.085_W4 #scoug (Wed 7pm PST)
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