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Date: Tue, 14 Oct 2003 01:25:40 PDT7
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Netscape 4.61 problem

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In , on 10/13/2003
at 12:08 AM, "Steven Levine" said:

>In <>, on 10/12/03
> at 11:15 PM, said:

>>I checked settings--advanced. Web browser and ftp client are same and
>>corrrect: h:\ns461\program\netscape.exe.

>This should work for when yor RMB -> Web Browser on a URL in a message

>>I also checked mime associations. Mime type is text/plain.

>That's only the first of many. Notice that there's a little drop down
>arrow on the right. What are your settings for application/html and


Text description html
File suffix(es) htm,html
Viewer command netscape.exe %s
Options (Neither one checked)
Display in message window as plain text
Auto-lauunch viewer

Text/html--same as applications/html

Mot really. NS is old and relatively buggy. I have the 6/2001 version
>installed for the few times I use it. There's some newer testcase
>versions floating around.

I have the disk images for the upgrades to the 32 bit stack and will
install them and Mozilla 1.4 as soon as I can get the .ini files cleaned
up. In the meantime I want to get NS461 working okay so I can leave it in

>>There were some popups that were related to mr2ice, but let me wait until
>>I get one because I don't know if they occurred after the switch from
>>mr2ice to ns461.

>You need to correlate the timestamps.

I looked at them but not as closely as I should have. My quick look said
they did not correlate. I will look again.





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