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** Reply to message from "Steven Levine" on Fri, 1 Dec
2006 10:08:32 -0800
> Unless you are prepared to purchase extreme high-end SCSI controllers
> (U320) and drives (15K), I think you will find, in general, that SATA will
> outperform SCSI. Keep in mind that Dani's drivers are highly optimized
> and that all current EIDE and SATA hardware is DMA capable.
> I suspect the only way you will see better performance with SCSI is if you
> have an application that can keep 4 or 5 drives busy concurrently.
I don't have that much activity. In the past I could tell the difference
between SCSI and IDE in performance on a single user computer.
> The jury is still out of drive life, but even if SCSI remains more
> reliable, you still need backups. With IDE/SATA a spare drive for backups
> is a low cost solution.
The SCSI drives I have are about 10 years old and I have not had one fail. An
older one (about 15 years old) is still good but is too small to bother with.
I hope this does not mean that they are going to fail as the last time I said I
had no problems my computer went belly up, which is why I am asking about
ps. My first message was on the zonedit server for 2 days before
picked it up. The scoug email server still thinks it is daylight time -7.00.
Robert Blair
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