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The Southern California OS/2 User Group
OS/2 For You At a Glance
May 2002
Newsletter of the Southern California OS/2 User Group
SCOUG's May Meeting - Creating HTML Tables with REXX
Tables are a great layout tool in HTML documents, but creating them can be tedious and frustrating, especially the larger and more complicated they get. Sheridan George has a way to avoid the pitfalls of HTML table creation - he uses REXX - and he'll show us what he does at our
May meeting.
OS/2 Help Desk and Networking SIG
They both meet the first Sunday of the month, 2 PM, in Science room 203 at Chapman University. Join them!
This was a presentation you could get your hands dirty on. It was wires, and crimpers, and long drill bits... all the components of actually networking a home.
Rocky Rakijas took us step-by-step through the process he went through in his own home and has graciously made his actual presentation available to all of us so that we may successfully follow in his footsteps. It's a great how-to reference!
Terry Warren has made so many contributions to SCOUG through the years, we wanted to let him know how much we appreciate him.
Dallas Legan presents a REXX script he wrote to automate grabbing files off the Internet with just a basic network connection and no fancy download tools. Actually, there's a lot more here than just that. Dallas explains what stimulated his interest, the inspiration for his design, and tells about the development processes he went through. You might find his script useful for downloading WGet itself as well as other tools. REXX fans should eat this up!
Interacting with the Internet is always a good topic. This month Mr. Know-It-All looks at recent developments in web browsers. He suggests that OS/2 users might want to take a closer look at Mozilla Release Candidate 1, IBM Web Browser 1.2, Opera for OS/2 beta 3, Lynx 2.8.5, and eLinks 0.3.
Download is your number one source for what's new in OS/2 applications and drivers. You'll find everything new in the past month listed here, with links to take you right to the files you need. Some of this month's examples are Apache, Python (demoed by Sheridan last December), Dani drivers, InJoy Dialer, eCS Maintenance Tool (formerly eCS FixTool), Domino Server updates for OS/2, eBayWatch/2, Java 2, and Virtual PC for OS/2.
The Hawking PN7127P print server proves small can be effective. It has solved problems Sheridan had on his home LAN of five computers (one is a Mac) all sharing three printers, and it all works just fine. Sheridan has provided us with clear, succinct instructions on setting the print server up using OS/2.
Where to get printer drivers for Lexmark and Epson printers is the focus of Ink this month. Tony sends you off to sites he finds especially useful in Germany and Japan, which via the Internet is just a click away.
Have you answered the short survey (it's only one question) on the SCOUG home page? Right now it's about home networks.
The Southern California OS/2 User Group
P.O. Box 26904
Santa Ana, CA 92799-6904, USA
Copyright 2002 the Southern California OS/2 User Group. ALL RIGHTS
SCOUG, Warp Expo West, and Warpfest are trademarks of the Southern California OS/2 User Group.
OS/2, Workplace Shell, and IBM are registered trademarks of International
Business Machines Corporation.
All other trademarks remain the property of their respective owners.