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Copyright 1998-2024, Southern California OS/2 User Group.
SCOUG, Warp Expo West, and Warpfest are trademarks of the
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OS/2, Workplace Shell, and IBM are registered trademarks of
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The Southern California OS/2 User Group
Terry Warren has been active in programming and application development for over 25 years. He started with OS/2 way, way back. Lately he's been quite involved with several Java development projects. Along the way, he's served on SCOUG's board of directors as Secretary, Vice President, and President. |
- The President's Message - March 2000
Who else wants the glory that goes with being on SCOUG's Board of Directors? Step forward now! (3/1/2000)
- The President's Message - Feb 2000
Two important things to remember: (1) We have a different meeting location this month; and, (2) SCOUG elections are in March. (2/1/2000)
- The President's Message - Jan 2000
Elections, newsletters, and the direction SCOUG should take in the years ahead... (1/1/2000)
- The President's Message - Dec 1999
Terry has some year-end and new year reflections as we quickly approach the year 2000. (12/9/1999)
- The President's Message - Sept 1999
SCOUG's president, Terry Warren, has Warp Expo West on his mind! (9/9/1999)
- The President's Message - June 1999
Terry talks about a variety of things. Among them, the special events on June 5th and 6th with Edwin Black who will be here to autograph his new novel, a Y2K apocalyptic thriller. (6/23/1999)
- The President's Message - March 1999
It's election time again. Terry wants SCOUG members to make informed voting decisions on March 20th. (3/1/1999)
- The President's Message - Feb 1999
Election of SCOUG's Board of Directors is next month. (2/1/1999)
- The President's Message - Jan. 1999
Terry looks at what SCOUG will be doing in 1999. (1/1/1999)
- The Presidents Message - Dec 1998
- The Presidents Message - Nov 1998
- The Presidents Message - September 1998
Terry gets nostalgic as he encourages everyone to come to SCOUG's 5th birthday celebration - the big Open House on September 19th. (9/1/1998)
- V Trek by Aviar
- The Presidents Message
- The Presidents Message
Terry adds some perspective to the anittrust lawsuits against Microsoft. (6/1/1998)
- The Presidents Message
- Putting JavaScript To Use
JavaScript is a valuable tool for enhancing web pages. Like any tool, before using it effectively you must understand what it was intended to do, how to use it, and the alternative tools. In this article we'll explore how JavaScript is embedded into HTML pages and consider the important distinctions between JavaScript and Java. (11/1/1997)
- Introduction to JavaScript
The prior two articles showed how to provide a limited amount of user interaction in an HTML page by using the forms extensions in conjunction with CGI programming on the web server. In this and the next article, you'll look at additional client-side capabilities provided by the JavaScript programming language included with the Netscape browser. (10/1/1997)
- CGI Programming Basics
This article continues the series on programming for the Internet. The topic is writing a CGI program using REXX - and you'll get to do just that. (9/1/1997)
- The Foundation of CGI Programming
This article covers how to create a programming interface using HTML forms components. The topics will include how to build the user interface, how user-entered data is transmitted to a Web server program, how the program can obtain and process the data, and how the program can return data. (8/1/1997)
- InfoOnCall
- June Programming SIG Report
- Object Desktop
The premise of Object Desktop is that the
Workplace Shell desktop is lacking in certain areas. This product
addresses these perceived shortcomings with desktop enhancements for
appearance, usability and performance. The reviewer gives version 1 a very tentative thumbs up. (8/1/1995)
Terry leading the Programming SIG in March 2001
The Southern California OS/2 User Group
P.O. Box 26904
Santa Ana, CA 92799-6904, USA
Copyright 2002 the Southern California OS/2 User Group. ALL RIGHTS
SCOUG, Warp Expo West, and Warpfest are trademarks of the Southern California OS/2 User Group.
OS/2, Workplace Shell, and IBM are registered trademarks of International
Business Machines Corporation.
All other trademarks remain the property of their respective owners.